Sales Meetings AI, Client Case Study

Main Statistics

Company Name

Sales Meetings LLC




Company Type

Total servers to date

Total client introductions

Total revenue estimated

Measured deliverability

Josiah Humphrey (Linkedin)

AI Sales Technology Agency

45+ B2b




Sales Meetings – Already an extremely technically competent agency, were looking for a business email service provider that would allow them to keep up with the outreach and technological needs their Advanced Video Email Outreach system would require.

As an AI Technology company, they needed an email service provider who could match their ambition for deploying dedicated server side email infrastructure at scale – and as a mission critical point – could build, report and maintain the deliverability of their infrastructure and that of their clients.

“Bare Metal Email is absolutely integral to our success as a company. Email is one of if not our primary revenue driver for our clients – Business to Business email is immensely important for our technology to close sales for our clients quicker and more efficiently at scale.

Over several millions of emails sent per year, we now have over 40 servers and have introduced perhaps the same number of clients to Bare Metal Email over the last two years of doing business with them.

We knew our goal as an email techstack company would be maximum email deliverability, unlike most agencies we’re equipped to straddle the immensely complicated technical email landscape that exists now. However, doing it and managing it are another matter, that’s where BME step in for us; they manage the fine grained details we no longer want to leave off the table. Once you’re hitting a certain ROI for your clients, maximising opportunity becomes key for our tech stack – That means deliverability.

It’s a simple calculation for us, if we double the number of mails being responded to from the same list, we are doubling the size of our returns.
That’s the math, and it works.

All the legacy Email providers including the “big tech” ones are simply not focused on deliverability at all, they’re after your money, a quick signup, here’s your blacklisted shared server Email accounts – good luck!

That’s not good enough anymore.

Once we saw some of our early campaigns doing close to 40% response rates, we knew we’d hit the jackpot with Bare Metal Email. The decision to scale our spend with BME to over 40 servers and introducing very important clients from thereon in was a no brainer.

Ultimately deliverability is the game in email, Bare Metal Email just have the edge on everyone else because of this – There’s no B2b ESP we would rather trust.

This has been an immensely profitable exchange for Sales Meetings working with Bare Metal Email, and we encourage any agency or business who needs email to be delivered to the primary inbox as a business critical function to trust them with your clients and your accounts.”

– Michal Ugor, Founder
Sales Meetings LLC

Services Rendered

Bare Metal also helped with complex DNS and IP Blacklisting issues caused by their legacy Video Email Web Hosting services.

Bare Metal also created new clean forwarding and A record creation techniques in order to remove Blacklisted IP danger’s from Sales Meeting’s Domain fleet and records.

BME complete total Whiteglove setup for:

IP’s, Domains, Business Email addresses, DNS, Clean Forwarding infrastructure, Clean Link redirect infrastructure, IP/Domain/Email warmup, Third party integration and management (Including IP reporting on third party software), ongoing reputation maintenance and management, template warming and HTML template feedback support.

IP and Domain server replacement and reputation recovery and maintenance.

Complete client management and ESP deliverability accountting.